McConnan Bion O'Connor Peterson Law Corp
Personal Injury - Litigation Team
Suite #420 - 880 Douglas Street,
Victoria, B.C. Canada V8W 2B7
Phone 250-385-1383
Toll free 1-888-385-1383
Web: Email:
Street Map: downtown Victoria location near Court House
Lawyers also experienced with:
· Business Law
· Real Estate Law
· Wills & Estates
· Probate
· Family Law
See also Frequently Asked Questions about personal injuries and dealing with ICBC insurance adjustors at
Victoria B.C. Business & Technology Law
Business & Commercial Litigator
#1 - 505 Fisgard Street,
Victoria B.C., V8W 1R3
Phone: (250) 360-2500
Toll Free: 1-866-887-4878
Web: · Email:
Map: Street map to office
Michael has extensive experience in both civil litigation and in criminal litigation as a former Federal prosecutor in complex tax evasion prosecutions and drug charges.
Michael has practiced in Victoria since his admission to the Bar in 1991 and he became a principal at McConnan, Bion, O'Connor & Peterson Law Corporation in January 2000.
He is also a past executive member of the Victoria Bar Association.
Michael Mark, Personal Injury Lawyer
McConnan Bion O'Connor Peterson Law Corp.
Suite #420 - 880 Douglas Street,
Victoria, B.C. Canada V8W 2B7
Phone 250-385-1383
Toll free 1-888-385-1383
Lawyers-BC Profile: M. Mark
Web Site:
Street Map: downtown Victoria location
Charlotte Salomon,
BA (York U. '92), LLB (UVic '95), QC
Charlotte was called to the British Columbia Bar after articling with McConnan Bion O'Connor & Peterson. Her preferred area of practice is personal injury litigation (e.g. ICBC MVA Injury Claims settlements) and wills/estates planning and administration.
She also has experience in property matters, including real estate conveyance, foreclosure and expropriation.
Charlotte was the 2010 President of the Victoria Bar Association. She currently is an elected member of the Canadian Bar Association Provincial Council for the Victoria county and has been appointed to the CBA Advisory Committee to the Judicial Council of British Columbia.
She has also been the Chair of the BC CBA Civil Litigation Section for Vancouver Island and a member of the Audit Committee, Government Relations Committee and Court Services Committee of the BC CBA.
As well, Charlotte has also served as a member of the Board of Governors, Victoria Conservatory of Music.
McConnan Bion O'Connor & Peterson Law Corp.
Suite # 420 - 880 Douglas Street,
Victoria, B.C. Canada V8W 2B7
Phone: 250-385-1383
Toll free: 1-888-385-1383 Email:
Web Site:
Street Map: downtown Victoria location near Court House
B.A. (UVIC - 1971),
LL.B. (UBC - 1974),
Admitted to the BC Bar 1975,
K.C. 2006
Michael is a senior partner at McConnan Bion O'Connor & Peterson (since 1976) with preferred areas of practice which consist of all forms of civil litigation, with specialties in personal injury claims, estate litigation and foreclosure.
In 2006 Michael was appointed Queen's Counsel.
Michael currently chairs and is responsible for conducting hearings for 8 First Nations Assessment Review Boards throughout British Columbia. [as of 2011]
His practice also includes expropriation hearings, property tax assessment appeals, contract disputes, wills, estates and conveyancing.
"Together We Care" campaign raising $17 million for the hospitals on Southern Vancouver Island. He is currently the President of the Government House Foundation of British Columbia and the Past Commander of the Victoria Commandery of the Order of St. John. Michael is Co Chair of the BC Paraplegic Association Spring Fundraiser in Victoria and Co Chair of the David Foster Foundation 25th Anniversary Gala. He has held several positions at the local, Provincial and National levels, including Vice president of the Canadian Rugby Union, President of the British Columbia Rugby Union and Chairman of Canada's First World Cup Rugby Team. Michael is the past vice chairman of the 1994 Commonwealth Games held in Victoria, BC.
Michael is also the recipient of the Queen's Jubilee Medal in 2002 and the Queen's Platinum Medal in 2012 for recognition of his outstanding Public Service in Canada.
Michael J. O'Connor
McConnan Bion O'Connor & Peterson Law Corporation
Suite # 420 - 880 Douglas Street,
Victoria, B.C. Canada V8W 2B7
Phone: 250-385-1383
Toll free: 1-888-385-1383
Web Site:
Street Map: downtown Victoria location near Court House
Dirk Ryneveld, K.C.
Dirk joined McConnan Bion O'Connor Peterson Law Corp. as Associate Counsel in June 2009, after a six-year term as Police Complaint Commissioner for BC. Prior to that, Dirk was a Senior Trial Attorney from 1999 - 2003 at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia at the Hague, as lead counsel for the prosecution of the Kosovo component of the Slobodan Milosevic trial. He has also appeared at all levels of court in British Columbia and the Supreme Court of Canada, as Deputy Regional Crown Counsel from 1974 - 1999.
Although he is currently primarily engaged in prosecutions for the Federal Crown, Dirk has a varied litigation practice advising both private and government clients. His practice also includes personal injury claims, ICBC injury settlements, medical malpractice, real estate matters and wills and estates.
Dirk has frequently lectured on international criminal law at conferences in Europe and in Canada. He has also trained and instructed Iraqi Judges on international criminal law in Dubai on behalf of the International Bar Association. Dirk is a member of the International Association of Prosecutors; is past President of the Canadian Association of Civilian Oversight Law Enforcement, and a past elected representative of the Canadian Bar Association for Victoria.
DIRK RYNEVELD, Q+K.C., Barrister & Solicitor
McConnan Bion O'Connor & Peterson Law Corp.
Suite # 420 - 880 Douglas Street,
Victoria, B.C. Canada V8W 2B7
Phone: 250-385-1383
Toll free: 1-888-385-1383
Map to office 880 Douglas St. downtown Victoria location near Court House
Personal Injury Lawyer
Preferred areas of legal practice: Civil Litigation & Personal Injury Law
Kelly Doerksen was called to the Bar of British Columbia in 1990. Prior to joining Larry Wong (then Wong & Marrs) as an associate in 1994, Kelly articled and practiced in the Victoria area.
Kelly graduated from the University of Saskatchewan College of Law in 1989 and also holds Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Education undergraduate degrees.
Kelly has been active with the Canadian Bar Association,, as former Chair of the Civil Litigation Subsection for Vancouver Island. He is also a past director of the B.C. Schizophrenia Society and has lectured in debtor/creditor law for the Bar Admission Program (PLTC).
Wong Doerkson Lawyers
1618 Government Street
Victoria, B.C., V8W 1Z3
Telephone: (250) 381-7799
ANNE SHEANE, Diploma Nursing, LL.B.
Plaintiffs lawyer for:
Personal injury litigation including: ICBC claims / MVA cases / Slip & fall injuries /
Head & spine injuries. She also handles cases for:
Medical negligence / Professional liability / Wrongful death.
Class Action Litigation cases include the Jericho Hill School for the Deaf - Students Class Action
Anne Sheane, barrister & solicitor
Suite 205 - Market Square,
560 Johnson Street,
Victoria, BC
Phone: (250) 386-3080
[Note: Wheelchair accessible office & Anne Sheane is a member of BBB Better Business Bureau]
Barristers & Solicitors for Personal Injury & Class Action Cases
400 - 535 Yates Street
Victoria, BC V8W 2Z6
Phone: 250 384-6262
web reference: client appreciation promotion on
Conflict Resolution · ADR Alternative Dispute Resolution · Mediation · Arbitration
| P. Scambler |
Wills & Commercial Mediation & Real Property Transaction Services
Lawyer Profile
Clay & Company
Lawyers & Mediators
837 Burdett Ave.
Victoria, BC V8W 2S4
Telephone: 250 386-2261
Victoria Family Law · Divorce Law · Mediation Lawyers
| B. Contreras
| D. Iverson
Esteban T. Kähs, JD, LLM
Esteban joined Hutchison Oss-Cech Marlatt in 2018 after having worked at a well-established regional firm. His litigation practice focuses on:
- personal injury,
- labour and employment,
- construction disputes and
- family law.
Esteban was called to the British Columbia Bar in 2016. He obtained his Juris Doctor at the University of B. C., and Master of Laws (LLM) at the University of Calgary. His LLM paper Taking an Interest in Land: Comparing Rights under Expropriation and Aboriginal Law provides a comparative analysis of the procedural and substantive rights under mainstream and Aboriginal takings regimes. Esteban has appeared before all levels of court in British Columbia, as well as various administrative boards and tribunals.
Following law school, Esteban interned with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, and later with Jakarta-based Hukumonline – the premier legal information provider in Indonesia. He later worked with a non-governmental organization, implementing federal and provincial corrections law and policy throughout the Pbacific Region. Prior to law school, Esteban coached and competed in triathlons internationally. He competed in International Triathlon Union (ITU) World Cup races, and twice qualified for the ITU World Championships.
Esteban is happy to bring his diverse background, demonstrated dedication, and work ethic to assist our clients. He works diligently to ensure their position is fully and fairly represented in the courtroom.
Esteban T. Kähs,
barrister & solicitor
Hutchison Oss-Cech Marlatt
#1 - 505 Fisgard St.
Victoria, B.C.
Canada V8W 1R3
Telephone: (250) 360-2500
Map: Street map to office
Certified Mediator
We recognize that dealing with family law issues requires sensitivity and flexibility. We also recognize that this area of law has undergone significant changes over the past few years. Our lawyers have the experience and knowledge required to structure the best result for our clients by using all available avenues, including alternative dispute resolution (ADR) systems, mediation and litigation.
Our family lawyers advise clients in all aspects of family law including:
- drafting documents such as pre-nuptial agreements, separation agreements and cohabitation agreements
- representation for separation and divorce proceedings, including custody, access and maintenance issues, and
division of assets.
Contreras McLennan Legal
3957 Stan Wright Lane
Victoria, BC V8P 0A1
Tel. 778-440-3588
Family Law Lawyer · Collaborative / Mediation Services
Donna M. Iverson Law Corporation
Barrister and Solicitor
530 - 645 Fort Street
Victoria, BC, V8W 1G2
Telephone: (250) 388-3123
Web site: /donnai m iverson.htm
Multilingual Victoria Full Service & Boutique Law Firms With Lawyers Speaking: English, Chinese Cantonese & Mandarin
PORTIA TANG, Barrister & Solicitor
Provides a general law practice in downtown Victoria --
serving clients in English & Chinese dialects: Cantonese, Hoisin & Mandarin -- in the following areas of law.
- Business · Corporate · Commercial Law
- Family · Divorce Law
- Wills & Estates
- Canada Immigration Law
- Real Estate
- Notary Services
TANG & CO., Barrister & Solicitor
#316 - 560 Johnson Street,
Market Square on Johnson- 3rd floor
Victoria, BC, V8W 3C6
Telephone: 250-881-6262
LARRY WONG, LL.B. Barrister & Solicitor
General Practice Includes: Real Estate Conveyancing · Wills & Estates · General-Administrative Law · Civil Litigation · Immigration Law
Larry Wong is a Victoria native who established his own law firm in Victoria's Chinatown in 1984. Larry graduated from the University of Victoria Law School in 1978 and was called to the Bar of British Columbia in 1979.
Accompanied by his legal assistant, Frances Leung, Larry offers his services in English and Chinese (Cantonese and Mandarin and Toi Shan dialects).
Larry is active with the Victoria Chinatown Lions Club (past president). He was for six years a director of the Chinatown Care Centre. He is currently the legal advisor for the Yu Shan Association, the Hook Sin Tong Society, the Wong Association, the Victoria Chinese Pentecostal Church...
Wong Doerkson Lawyers
1618 Government Street
Victoria, B.C., V8W 1Z3
Telephone: (250) 381-7799
Web site:
Canada Immigration Lawyers in Victoria
see also
FOREIGN SKILLED WORKERS and Canada Work Permit Application Assistance
Lowe & Company - for Canadian employers and businesses seeking help from one of western Canada's most experienced business-immigration law firms
Lowe & company,
Canada Business-Immigration Lawyers and Immigration Consultants
#900 - 700 West Broadway,
Vancouver, BC
Full Service & Real Estate Lawyers in Victoria
Salmond Ashurst Barristers, Solicitors, Notary Public
A Full Service Law Firm including Real Estate Conveyancing Services, Civil Litigation Lawyers, Wills & Estate Law. Office open Saturdays.
1620 Cedar Hill Cross-Road.
Victoria, BC.
(Gordon Head Office is down the hill from the University of Victoria near the intersection of Shelbourne & Cedar Hill Cross Road)
Tel: (250) 477-4143
Web Site:
*** page sponsor ad below ***
Victoria Real Estate & Realtors
for Award Winning MLS-ReMAX Victoria Realtor fluent in Chinese Mandarin · Cantonese · Teo Chiu/Chow Dialects and English, see
*** page sponsor ad above ***
Victoria Courts & Court Services · Ministry of Attorney General
VICTORIA COURT SERVICES - Provincial and Supreme Courts
2 - 850 Burdett Avenue,
Victoria, BC
V8W 1B4
Tel: 250-356-1478
[above court information quoted from Court Services - contacts - Ministry of the Attorney General, Province of BC justice/courthouse-services/courthouse-locations
2021.05.27 ]
see also Greater Vancouver Lawyers Directories
* * * * * * *
Law Practice focuses on:
Lorenzo is fluent in English, Italian, French & Spanish.

New ICBC Caps
The BC Government amended the Insurance (Vehicle) Act and the Civil Resolution Tribunal Act. These amendments change the way ICBC claims are processed in this province.
These changes will only affect injury claims for motor vehicle collision which occur on or after April 1, 2019.
Lorenzo Oss-Cech,
Hutchison Oss-Cech Marlatt barristers & solicitors
Suite #1 - 505 Fisgard Street,
Victoria B.C., V8W 1R3 Canada
Phone: 250-360-2500
Toll Free: 1-866-887-4878
Website: - Email:
Map: Street map to office
You have been injured-hurt in a car accident?
You have had catastrophic injuries from a motor vehicle accident resulting in job changes or loss, ongoing physical and/or psychological handicaps or brain injury?
Contact experienced lawyer Michael Mark for a free consultation - before you sign an agreement with ICBC or another insurance company for compensation claims.
- ICBC Personal Injury Disputes - Plaintiff's lawyer
- Slip & Fall Injury Insurance Disputes
- Wills Disputes & Estate Litigation
- Canada Revenue Agency Tax Evasion Charges
McConnan Bion O'Connor & Peterson Law Corp.
#420 - 880 Douglas St.
Victoria, B.C. Canada V8W 2B7
Phone: 250.385.1383
Toll free: 1.888.385.1383
Street Map: down town Victoria location near Court House
Patents · Trademarks · Inventors · Intellectual Property Lawyers
Thompson Cooper LLP provides services to: businesses; small-medium size law firms; private inventors & foreign associates. See our information pages:
Intellectual Property: Registered Trademarks & Patents Agents |
Victoria office:
Suite 201 - 1007 Fort St.
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada V8V 3K5
Phone: 1-250-389-0387
Criminal Defense Lawyer
"I am a criminal defence lawyer serving Victoria, Colwood, Duncan, Nanaimo and Vancouver Island.
"I strive to give my clients clarity and understanding during a stressful and challenging time in their lives. People often feel left in the dark when it comes dealing with the criminal justice system. I feel it is important to keep my clients informed and engaged in their defence."
Preferred area of practice:
· Impaired Driving and other Driving Offences
· Drug Offences, including Marihuana Cultivation & Trafficking
· Assault and Violent Offences
· Theft and Fraud
· Bail Hearings & Reviews
· Trials and Appeals
· All Criminal Charges
Geof has served criminal defense clients from his offices in the heart of downtown Victoria for over 20 years.
A tenacious criminal lawyer who will fight for you. Call For Your Free Consultation.
Geofrey D. Simair Law Corporation
204 - 26 Bastion Square
Victoria, BC
V8W 1H9
Phone: 250.385.4500
Victoria BC - Real Property Transactions · Wills & Estates Lawyers
Preferred areas of practice: secured transactions, wills and estates, real property and commercial mediation.
RETIRED circa 2020
"Paul G. Scambler, QC, has practised law with the firm of Clay and Company in Victoria, Canada, since 1978.
He has been a guest instructor for the Continuing Legal Education Society's Real Estate program in the Provincial Legal Training Course (PLTC). He was designated as Queen's Counsel by the British Columbia Attorney General in 2001. He has participated in training of lawyers in negotiation in Thailand (2002) and Cambodia (2001)."
[quote site 2005.07/06]
In 2005 he co-taught the UVIC Faculty of Law
Real Property Transactions - Law 317 course from Sept. to Dec. 2005.
The course description included
Real property transactions form an important part of the commercial life of Canadian society. For most people, their single most important financial transaction will be the purchase of their home and the financing of it. For most businesses, purchasing land, leasing premises and financing by use of security on land is an important part of their operations.
This course is intended to introduce ... the fundamental legal issues involved in a real estate transaction. We will look at the process of the sale transaction from the listing of property and the obligations of the realtor to problems involved in the purchaser's enforcing remedies after closing of the transaction. We will spend a significant amount of the course on the fundamentals of mortgage transactions, including the implied terms of a mortgage, common mortgage provisions and the enforcement of mortgage security. If time permits, we will look briefly at leases, with particular note of the commercial leasing transaction. ..."
[quote from course description at winter/317f01-2005description.htm 2005.05.11]
see also winter/masterlist.html
Paul G. Scambler, QC
Clay & Company
see also Paul Scambler's work with Peace Makers Trust "...Peacemakers Trust is a Canadian charitable organization dedicated to research and education on conflict transformation and peacebuilding" at
McConnan Bion O'Connor Peterson Law Corp
Personal Injury - Litigation Team
Suite #420 - 880 Douglas Street,
Victoria, B.C. Canada V8W 2B7
Phone 250-385-1383
Toll free 1-888-385-1383
Web: Email:
Street Map: downtown Victoria location near Court House
[ see firm's lawyers also for:
Greater Victoria Full Service & Boutique Law Firms
Legal Practice focuses on: · Plaintiff's Personal Injury including ICBC Car Accident Claims · Medical Malpractice / Negligence · Slip & Fall Injuries · Commercial Intellectual Property & Technology Law Litigation
#1 - 505 Fisgard Street, Victoria B.C. V8W 1R3
Tel: (250) 360-2500
Toll Free: 1-866-887-4878
Map: Street map to office
Practices mainly in the area of Personal Injury, ICBC injury claims disputes and settlements. See ..... /victoria-personal-injury-claims/ for more inormation.
Barri is experienced with traumatic brain injury (TBI) cases, and brain injury settlements. See ..... /brain-injury-lawyer-services/ for more information
In the employment law area she deals with wrongful dismissal cases and WCB appeasls.
Hutchison Oss-Cech Marlatt
barristers & solicitors
#1 - 505 Fisgard Street,
Victoria B.C. V8W 1R3
Phone: (250) 360-2500
Toll Free: 1-866-887-4878
Map: Street map to office
see also - Reference Information:
"Copyright Act page for the Copyright Board of Canada's Web site" [per website 2015.03.22 description]
* Intellectual Property Program of the B.C. Government : frequently asked questions -
Dana Quantz, JD
has a broad civil litigation practice with an interest in
- personal injury,
- labour and employment,
- human rights, and
- defamation claims.
He has represented clients in all levels of the British Columbia court system as well as in the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal, the Workers' Compensation Appeal Tribunal, the British Columbia Labour Relations Board, and the Employment Standards Branch.
Representative work includes:
Motor Vehicle, Bicycle, and Pedestrian Collision Claims with the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia (ICBC) involving Brain Injuries, Chronic Pain, Psychological Injuries, and Whiplash
- Negligence Claims and Medical Malpractice Claims
Labour and Employment Claims for Wrongful Dismissal, Constructive Dismissal, Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, Defamation and Loss of Reputation, and Disciplinary Proceedings.
Workers Compensation Board and WorkSafeBC Claims, Reviews, Appeals, and Judicial Reviews
- Complex Civil and Constitutional Litigation including Administrative, Constitutional, Human Rights, and all forms of Defamation, Libel and Slander
In addition to helping with court process, Dana Quantz can also assist with:
Contact him for a consultation. He will do his best to make sure you are properly represented.
Dana G. Quantz
Hutchison Oss-Cech Marlatt
#1 - 505 Fisgard St.,
Victoria, B.C. V8W 1R3
Phone: (250) 360-2500
Profile: Quantz
Map: Street map to office one block from City Hall
Family Lawyer & Canada Immigration Appeals Lawyer (fluent in Spanish & English)
Family Law & Certified Mediator & Immigration Lawyer, Fluent in Spanish & English
Beatriz es originaria de El Salvador y domina a la perfección los idiomas inglés y español.
Beatriz Contreras estudió en la Facultad de Leyes de la Universidad de Manitoba en Winnipeg, graduánduase en el 2002. Después de realizar su pasantía en una de las más grandes firmas legales en Winnipeg y ser llamada en el 2003 por el Manitoba Bar, Beatriz se transladó a Toronto para empezar su práctica. Beatriz ha sido miembro de la "Law Society of Upper Canada", "Law Society of Manitoba" y actualmente es miembro de "Law Society of British Columbia".
Beatriz ha representado a sus clientes frente a la Corte Provincial de British Columbia, la Corte Suprema de British Columbia, la Corte Federal, la Corte de Justicia de Ontario, la Corte Suprema de Justicia de Ontario y la Corte de Apelaciones de Ontario, así como en diferentes juntas y tribunales incluyendo la Junta de Inmigración y Refugio. Beatriz ingreso como miembra al grupo llamado "Collaborative Family Law Group" de Victoria en junio del 2011.
Durante sus estudios en la universidad, Beatriz ganó prestigiosos premios y becas. En los años de estudio Beatriz recibio varios premios que la reconocieron como una estudiante sobresaliente no solo por sus asignaciones académicas sino por su destacado servicio a la comunidad. En 1998 la Facultad de Artes y Humanidades de la Universidad de Manitoba le otorgó a Beatriz el premio mas prestigioso de su facultad la medalla de oro.
Beatriz obtuvo su maestria en leyes en la Universidad de York en Toronto en el año 2010, especializandose en derecho de familia.
Beatriz ha ayudado a la comunidad a través de trabajos voluntarios en diferentes grupos como el Centro Para la Gente de Habla Hispana, la Clínica Legal de la Universidad de Manitoba y en el Woman'ds Advocacy programa en Winnipeg.
Beatriz es originaria de El Salvador y domina a la perfección los idiomas inglés y español.
Beatriz Contreras, Barrister & Solicitor
Contreras McLennan Legal
3957 Stan Wright Lane
Victoria, BC V8P 0A1
Tel. 778-440-3588
McConnan Bion O'Connor Peterson Law Corp.
Business-Commercial Law Lawyer
B.A. (UVIC - 1970),
LL.B. (UBC - 1974),
Admitted to the BC Bar 1975
nb. The Capital Regional District, CRD, includes the Municipalities of:
Central Saanich / Colwood / Esquimalt / Highlands / Langford / Metchosin / North Saanich / Oak Bay / Saanich / Sidney / Sooke / Victoria / View Royal (on southern Vancouver Island) and they in turn ar part of the Electoral Areas of: Juan de Fuca, Southern Gulf Islands, and Salt Spring Island. (see [ for more information]
Moving to Metro Vancouver - Burnaby - Surrey? For real estate Conveyancing consider:
Metro Vancouver Real Estate & Commercial Lease Lawyers Directory
Burnaby Metrotown Lawyers
* See MAP of Greater Vancouver Municipalities including Surrey, New Westminster, Burnaby, Vancouver, Richmond etc.
Privacy Laws & Private Investigators
By Janie A. Duncan, P.I.
The case of Ferenczy vs. MCI Medical Clinics, a decision rendered in the Ontario Superior Court by Justice Dawson will greatly limit the force of the new federal privacy law as it relates to private investigators.
This case involves a patient named D. Ferenczy. She sued her doctor for professional negligence in the diagnosis and the treatment of a cyst located on the inner part of her left wrist. The procedure was carried out on February 17, 1999. The plaintiff, D. Ferenczy, claimed that as a result of the failed procedure, she was unable to hold small items for a long period of time with her left hand. She further claimed that she was unable to work, and she subsequently claimed she suffered a loss of income.
The defendant, the doctor, disputed her claim. A private investigator was retained by the Canadian Medical Protective Association. This association provides defense assistance to physicians who are being sued for medical malpractice claims. The private investigator conducted a surveillance on Ms. Ferenczy and collected an eight minute video surveillance footage of Ms. Ferenczy holding a coffee cup at a coffee shop without any visible signs of physical impairment. This investigation was carried out without the knowledge and consent of Ms. Ferenczy.
[Read the rest of this article at continuation of this Investigations Article by Duncan]
Author-Writer Credits:
Janie Duncan, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Janie Duncan is a licensed private investigator and founder of
a licensed & bonded private investigation agency that has served clients throughout Canada.
see also: Manitoba Legal Services in
ICBC-MVA Personal Injury Settlements
Brain Injuries
Wills Disputes
· Map to office
Personal Injury ICBC Settlements
WCB Appeals
· Map to office
Criminal Defense Lawyer
Geof Simair LLB
Wills & Estates Administration
P. Scambler, LLB QC
Business Lawyers for Start-ups, Ventures Development, Creditors' Remedies, Commercial Leases
Patrick E. Bion, BA LLB
 35 years experience
McConnan Bion O'Connor Peterson
James Hutchison, BA LLB
25 years experience, corporate, commercial & business law, technology trade secrets, employment contracts law.
Hutchison Oss-Cech Marlatt
Canada Immigration Applications & Appeals
Sarah N. Goodman, BBA, JD Business Immigration & Employment Law Lawyer Fluent in Frrench & English

Personal Injury, Wills Disputes & Employment

Sarah Klinger, LLB
· personal injury
· employment law
· estate litigation
Victoria, BC
Langford Offices