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Marvin N. Stern
barrister and solicitor, BA, LLB
Stern & Albert
1012 - 7445 132nd St.
Surrey, B.C. V3W 1J8 Canada
Phone: 604-590-5600
Marvin Stern is a criminal lawyer with 20 years experience. A former Crown prosecutor in BC and Manitoba, Marvin handles criminal cases from all over B.C.
Education and background
During the past 20 years, Marvin has handled many different kinds of criminal cases, ranging from possession of marijuana, to sexual assault, to murder trials. While he handles any kind
of criminal cases, Marvin has 2 particular preferred practice areas: drug offences and impaired driving offences.
Marvin has handled many cultivation of marijuana cases. Typical defences may include challenging the validity of search warrants; raising the issue of whether the accused had knowledge and control
of the premises; and other defences.
Marvin also has many impaired driving cases, and has taught lawyers in Continuing Legal Education courses on the topic. He has handled many cases where the client's driving privileges are essential
to the client's livelihood.
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Education and background
Marvin was educated in Manitoba, and practised law there for 4 years. Arriving in BC in 1984, he first was a Crown Prosecutor, and has run a successful criminal defence practice since 1988.
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