Barrister & Solicitor, LLB.
She practices mainly in the areas of:
Barri is a graduate of the University of Victoria Faculty of Law. Her career before law included computer systems analyses in the hospital industry.
Barri's experience and background in her pre-law career have made her a strong litigator and invaluable resource to her clients.
Barri is particularly interested in Brain Injury litigation and devotes time to a local non-profit society in support of survivors of Brain Injury.
Barri A. Marlatt, LL.B.
Barrister & Solicitor
#1 - 505 Fisgard St.
Victoria, B.C. Canada V8W 1R3
Phone: (250) 360-2500
Toll Free: 1-866-887-4878
Email: bam@hom-law.com
Website: hom-law.com
Location: Map to office
see Ms. Marlatt's involvement with the Victoria Brain Injury Society for over 8 years
(quote from website vbis.ca/our-board-directors 2012.08.11)
Barri Marlatt ,
Past President
Barri was honoured to serve the Society since 2003. First as a general Board member, then as Vice-President and then as President for the last 4 years. Barri is currently a lawyer and partner in the firm Hutchison Oss-Cech Marlatt. She practices in the area of personal injury and more than 80% of her practice involves litigating motor vehicle accidents and medical malpractice. The decision to join the Board and volunteer her time came from the need she saw while assisting persons with brain injury and their families through the litigation process. The practice of law is a second career for Barri. Prior to entering Law School, Barri had her own business in the area of computer systems consultation in the hospital industry. Barri also serves on the Humanitarian Award Committee at the University of Victoria, Faculty of Law and is a Mentor for law students.
Barri describes leaving her position on the board as an interesting feeling. She did not expect to stay for 8 years - yet it seems to have gone in the blink of an eye. So much of who she has become over the past 8 years - has been shaped by her experience on the Board and with the Society. She is excited for the opportunity created by her departure and will be watching with keen interest as the Society grows and develops in the years to come."
see more about the Victoria Brain Injury Society's services and people - serving souther Vancouver Island at