Barrister & Solicitor, LLB.
James' law practice is concentrated in corporate commercial law, finance and intellectual property. He also handles wealth management and estate planning for clients.
James is a 5th generation Victorian and has been practising law since 1990. He attended law school at the University of British Columbia, following undergraduate and graduate work in History.
James started his legal career with the former Crease & Company, where he was a partner during his last 6 years.
James has served as an instructor for the University of Victoria, Faculty of Law course
[Law 349 - Fall and Spring 2004 Winter Session - Business Law Clinic - s/a UVIC Sessional, Visiting, Adjunct, Emeritus and Honorary Faculty bios
James has a long history of charitable and volunteer work, including, acting as the president of the Garth Homer Society and a director of the Lester B. Pearson College of the Pacific.
James S. Hutchison
Barristers & Solicitor
#1 - 505 Fisgard St.
Victoria, B.C. Canada V8W 1R3
Phone: (250) 360-2500
Toll Free: 1-866-887-4878
Email: jsh@hom-law.com
Website: hom-law.com
Location: Map to office
[nb. " ... Mullens has been appointed Director of our [Victoria Bar Association] Business Law Clinic (BLC), taking
over from Victoria lawyer Jim Hutchison who is stepping down after a two-year term as
BLC Director. (noted in VBA Praecipe Newsletter, May 2006
In November 3, 2006 Newsletter, THE PRAECIPE: Victoria,s Legal Newletter of the Victoria Bar Association,
"VOLUNTEER AWARD [given to James Hutchison]
This award is presented annually to a member of the Victoria Bar who has contributed significant efforts in a volunteer capacity, which has benefited directly or indirectly the Greater Victoria Community and which reflects positively on the legal profession.
James S. Hutchison - called in 1990, Jim has been active in the community. He acted for many years as the President and Chair of the Garth Homer Society [www.garthhomersociety.org]. He has also provided substantial time to the community as a director of the Lester B. Pearson College of the Pacific [www.pearsoncollege.ca/. He has been involved with the VBA [www.vicbar.com], has been chair of the Commercial and Real Property Subsection and taught at UVic [http://www.law.uvic.ca/] and PLTC [Professional Legal Training Course, of the Law Society of BC www.lawsociety.bc.ca/licensing_ membership/pltc/faq.html]. He has also acted as the president and a director of the Victoria Federal Liberal Party Riding Association, volunteered at the YMCA [www.victoriay.com] and has coached local soccer teams." [quote fr. www.vicbar.com/news/ Praecipe.November.pdf 2009.07/24]