Photos of BC legislature buildings in Victoria, Victoria Court House signage and downtown overhead view  Vancouver Supreme Court roof and surrounding buildings - CLICK TO HOME PAGE OF LAWYERS-bc.COM VICTORIA B.C. CANADA IMMIGRATION LAWYERS
· Canada-US-USMCA Work Permits-Visas ·  Independent Skilled Immigrants · Entrepreneurs & Investors · Business-Immigration · Provincial Nominee Programs · Families · Students · Permanent Resident Status · Legal Representation at Canada Immigration Tribunal Hearings · Federal Court Appeals · HOME
Sarah N. Goodman, Bach. Bus. Admin (hons), JD, experienced Canada immigration Business lawyer with addition skills in  workplace / employment law SARAH GOODMAN,

Osgoode Hall Law School, Toronto, Juris Doctor, 2010 York University, Schulich School of Business, Bachelor Business Admin. (Hons), 2007
Fluent in French and English
Helping individuals, families and businesses achieve their immigration goals.
An associate of Crease Harmon, LLP.
David Aujla, immigration lawyer with offices in Victoria and Vancouver, 440 Cambie Street, Suite 101, Vancouver DAVID AUJLA, BSc, LLB, MA, LPhil
over 40 years Business Immigration experience
sole focus of practice is Canadian immigration law & he advises clients worldwide
An associate of Crease Harmon LLP
Offices in Victoria

Sinclair Mar with 25 years experience as a barrister & solicitor in areas of immigration and visa applications, business law, real estate, wills & estates 	with dedicated record of community involvment on founding and supporting Community non-profit societies in Victoria

40 years experience with Immigration residency applications & visas
& his general law practice
includes corporate-business law, real estate, wills & estates,
& civil litigation
Sinclair is fluent in Chinese Cantonese & English
Danielle Blanchard, inland immigration, business, civil litigation lawyer
DANIELLE BLANCHARD, M.A. J.D. Associate with McConnan Bion O'Connor Peterson
Fluent in French & Spanish.
Master's degree (Royal Roads U.) with focus on inland refugee applications
& holds a diploma in human resources (SFU); JD (Thompson Rivers U.)
Maintains a practice in civil litigation, employment law, construction law, & immigration. lawyer/ danielle-blanchard
Beatriz Contreras, LLB LLM fluent in Spanish and English and experienced in appeals to Canada Immigration and Refugee Boards and Federal Court

Canada Immigration
Fluent in English
& Spanish.
Beatriz es bilingü (inglés-español)

Beatriz also specializes in Family Law
Joanna Lee, BSc, LLB, main practice areas are business purchases and sales, immigration, and civil litigation
BSc., LLB. (UVic)

practice includes:
* Real estate
* Wills & estates,
* Business purchases
& sales,
* Canada Immigration
Associate with Wong Doerkson law
1618 Government St.
Victoria, BC
phone: 250-381-7799
wongdoerksen .com/ lawyers.html
Portia Tang, lawyer able to assist clients in fluent Mandarin and  Cantonese, photo of office building in the Market Square shopping complex on  lower Johnson St.  near Chinatown - CLICK FOR INFORMATION
Legal practice includes: Canada Immigration
serving clients in English & Chinese dialects: Cantonese, Hoisin & Mandarin -- in the following areas:.
Business · Corporate · Commercial Law
Family & Divorce Law
Wills & Estates
Canada Immigration Law
Real Estate Conveyance
Victoria, B.C.
Larry Wong, LLB   - offers Canada Immigration Services as part of the  law practices at Wong Doerkson, next to Victoria Chinatown entrance on Government St., they and/or their paralegal staff speak   Cantonese and Toi San Chinese dialect - CLICK FOR MORE INFO LARRY WONG

RETIRED General practice includes: Immigration Applications, Visas, Family Sponsorships,
General practice included:
Business law for:
Starting a business
Buying & selling businesses
Real Estate
Chinatown offices
(fluent in Cantonese)
Vancouver, BC & California USA
Saba Naqvi, BA JD Canada USA business-mmigration lawyer, practices both in BC and California Bar, is fluent in English, Urdu, Hindi

Partner & National Practice Leader BDO Canada Immigration Service licensed as lawyer in B.C. Canada & California, USA USA Flag as Saba Naqvi is also a California USA attorney
is a former Chair of American Immigration Lawyers Association, Canada Chapter SABA NAQVI Immigration Services BDO Canada LLP Unit 1100 Royal Centre 1055 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, BC

Vancouver, B.C. Robert C. Y. Leong, LLB fluent in Mandarin and  Cantonese, has office in Singapore and Vancouver CLICK FOR MORE INFO

Immigration refusal appeals,
Tribunal representation, Federal Court appeals
fluent in Mandarin, Cantonese & English 英 语 · 中 文 · 普 通 话 · 廣 東 話
Vancouver BC offices
see video Feb.2021 Briefing Session on New Paths for Hong Kong Residents Immigrating to Canada 港人移民加國新路徑說明會
Vancouver, BC
STANLEY LEO, BA JD, immigration lawyer experienced with skilled workers Express Entry applications, the BC Provincial Nomination Program, clergy-religous workers permits - with Lowe & Co. at 900 - 777 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC

Skilled workers & Express Entry;
B.C. - P.N.P.;
Spousal Sponsorships;
Work authorizations
Clergy / Religious Workers;
Overcoming inadmissibility matters
Phone: 604-245-8309
#131, A113 - 2099 Lougheed Highway
Port Coquitlam,
BC V3B 1A8
GTA Toronto Lawyers
Jeremiah Eastman, LLB -  Brampton  offices serving th GTA Greater Toronto Area - for Canada Immigration  Law / Civil litigation services e.g. application reviews, application refusal appeals etc.

Eastman Law Offices
2030 Bristol Circle, Suite 210
Oakville, ON L6H 0H2
(Meetings by appointment only at Oakville, Mississauga & Brampton)
Web: The Immigrater .com

Mary Keyork, certified immigration specialist in Ontario with offices in downtown Toronto and Montreal CLICK to her website
KEYORK, LLM Certified Immigration Specialist from Law Society of Upper Canada
canada immigration
5000 Yonge St.
Suite #1901,
North York, Ontario
Montreal Immigration Lawyers
Mary Keyork, LLM, office in Montreal, fluent in French, English, Armenian and some Spanish - CLICK TO MONTREAL immigration lawyers directory at
Mary Keyork, LLM
speaks: French, English, Armenian & Spanish

Keyork Immigration Law
3773 Boulevard Cote-Vertu West,
Suite 210
Ville St-Laurent, Quebec

Lawyers' Fees & Expenses
Immigration Lawyers Fees & Expenses

Government of Canada
Immigration & Citizenship en/ services/ immigration-citizenship .html
"Apply to travel, study, work or immigrate to Canada, apply for citizenship, a permanent resident card or refugee protection, check the status of your application or find a form."

See also other Immigration Law Resources

Official Government of Canada Web Sites at
Citizenship & Immigration Canada
Citoyenneté et Immigration Canada

Vancouver, BC Canada Immigration Lawyers Directory

Toronto, Ontario Canada Immigration Lawyers Directory

Montreal, Quebec Canada Immigration Lawyers Directory

Sarah N. Goodman, lawyer  previously providing  business immigration services as part of her immigration and workplace law practice with Matthews Dinsdale, in Toronto, now is in  Victoria BC

Sarah N. Goodman,
B.B.A., J.D.
Osgoode Hall Law School, Toronto, Juris Doctor, 2010
York University, Schulich School of Business, Bachelor Business Admin. (Hons), 2007

Fluent in English & French

Our firm provides a wide range of personalized immigration consulting and representation services. We take a great deal of pride in helping Canadian businesses succeed by addressing their human resource needs and in assisting individuals and families relocate to Canada.  Providing our clients with effective and efficient service is our primary goal.

Each case is unique and each type of immigration application has specific pre-requisites, experience and documentation requirements.  Accordingly, our job is to determine the most suitable type of application based on your particular circumstances and to facilitate the application process by completing forms, compiling documents and making submissions to the appropriate government body on your behalf.

The following is a list of areas we can assist with:

  • Work Permit Applications
    see article on Temporary Foreign Workers Options in 2015
  • Study Permit Applications
  • Visitor Record and Visa Applications
  • Express Entry Applications for Permanent Residence see article on how this system is working - at
  • Provincial Nominee Program Applications
  • Investor Applications
  • Labour Market Impact Assessment Applications
  • Temporary Resident Permit Applications
  • Family Class Applications, and
  • Humanitarian and Compassionate Applications
  • Live-In and In-Home Caregiver Applications,
  • Criminal Rehabilitation Applications, and
  • Immigration Appeals
Sarah N. Goodman, lawyer  previously providing  business immigration services as part of her immigration and workplace law practice with Matthews Dinsdale, in Toronto, now is in  Victoria BC

Sarah N. Goodman
Barrister & Solicitor
Crease Harmon LLB
#800 – 1070 Douglas Street
PO Box 997
Victoria, BC
Canada V8W 2C4
350 17th Street, Second Floor
Courtenay, BC
Canada V9N 1Y4

Phone: +1 (250) 940-6090

Web site:
Web site:

Beatriz Contreras, LLB LLM fluent in Spanish and English and experienced in appeals to Canada Immigration and Refugee Boards and Federal Court


Beatriz Contreras has been practicing law since 2003.  She is fully bilingual - Spanish and English.  Her immigration practice has focused in the following areas:

Beatriz Contreras has estado ejerciendo como abogada y notario en Canadá desde el año 2003.  Beatriz es bilingü (inglés-español).  Su experiencia en casos de inmigración se ha enfocado en las siguientes áreas:

  • Sponsorships (Patrocinios)
  • Humanitarian and Compassionate Applications H & C (Solicitudes for razones humanitarias)
  • Refugee hearings (casos de revisión de detención)
  • Judicial review applications at the Federal Court (apelaciones a la corte federal y en la división de apelaciones de inmigración)
  • Immigration Appeal Division hearings
  • Pre-Removal Risk Assessment Applications PRRAs (solicitudes de PRRA)
  • Detention reviews, etc. (casos de revisión de detención)

During the course of her practice, Beatriz has successfully represented clients from numerous cultural backgrounds and has worked closely with the Latin-American community.

Beatriz Contreras, LLB LLM fluent in Spanish and English and experienced in appeals to Canada Immigration and Refugee Boards and Federal Court

Beatriz ha representado exitosamente a clientes de diferentes etnias y ha trabajado con la comunidad hispana.

Beatriz is fully bilingual in English and Spanish. 

Beatriz es originaria de El Salvador y domina a la perfección los idiomas inglés y español.

BEATRIZ CONTRERAS, Barrister & Solicitor,
Contreras McLennan Legal
3957 Stan Wright Lane
Victoria, BC  V8P 0A1

Tel. 778-440-3588
Website: immigrating-to-canada

Robert Leong, immigration litation lawyer in Vancouver and Singapore, fluent in verbal and written Chinese Cantonese and  Mandarin

Robert Y. C. Leong, LLB (Hon)
Vancouver based immigration applications appeals and reviews lawyer

Robert read Law in England, and was Called to the Bar of England and Wales through the Middle Temple in 1993.

He was admitted as an Advocate and Solicitor in his native Singapore in 1994, and practised civil litigation, family law, and conveyancing for about 15 years.  He was an elected member of the Law Society Council, and also tutored Business Law at the Nanyang Technological University.

After immigrating to Canada, Robert obtained his Immigration Consultant Diploma with Honours in 2010, and was admitted as a Barrister and Solicitor in British Columbia in 2011.  Since then, Robert has been active as an immigration lawyer in British Columbia, and was the Secretary of the Canadian Bar Association (BC Branch) Immigration Section (2013/2014).

Robert has given talks and seminars on immigration law to various audiences, including other immigration lawyers from across Canada.  These talks and seminars include:

  • Oct. 6, 2021: "Open Work Permits for Hong Kong Residents"
    Robert discusses open work permits for Hong Kong residents in this interview (in Cantonese) by the Vancouver Hong Kong Forum Society. This interview was originally broadcast in February 2021.
    港人移民加國新路徑說明會 Briefing Session on New Paths for Hong Kong Residents Immigrating to Canada
  • Sep. 2012 “BC Provincial Nominee Program – Business Immigration”: Asia Pacific Expo, Burnaby, BC
  • Oct 2012 “Residency Obligation/Sponsorship”: MOSAIC, Vancouver, B.C.
  • Jan 2013 “Immigration to Canada – Skilled Worker/Business”: Immigration Seminars, Singapore
  • May 2013 “Maintaining PR status/ Citizenship application”: Three Bridges, Vancouver, B.C.
  • May 2013 “Conflict of Interests/Referral Fees”: National Immigration Law Conference, Montreal, QC
  • Aug 2013 “Sponsorship of a Family Member”: West Broadway Lawyers, Vancouver, B.C.
  • Sep 2013 “Work Permit Applications”: Continuing Legal Education course, Vancouver, B.C.
  • Nov 2013 “Sponsorship of a Family Member”: MOSAIC, Burnaby, B.C.

Robert has also appeared on various TV programs and radio broadcasts, and has contributed articles on immigration law:

  • Sep 2012 “Recent changes to immigration law”: Expert’s Hour, TalentVision
  • Jan 2013 “Residency issues and renewing your PR card”: Living Q & A, Fairchild Radio FM96.1
  • Mar 2013 “Evidence”: Expert’s Hour, TalentVision
  • May 2013 “Sponsorship of Parents and Grandparents”: Living Q & A, Fairchild Radio FM96.1
  • Sep 2013 “Residency in Canada”: Quarterly Newsletter, Vancouver Singapore Club

英 语 · 中 文 · 普 通 话 · 廣 東 話

Barrister & Solicitor
#400-601 W Broadway,
Vancouver, BC
Patriamlaw .com

Saba Naqvi, BA JD, practices as a BC and California lawyer, in 2021 heads BDO immigration services, based in Vancouver, BC

Business-Immigration Lawyer

Saba is the Director of Immigration Services for BDO's National team. (nb BDO has a Victoria office)   Saba, a lawyer licensed both in the Province of British Columbia and the State of California is uniquely qualified to provide immigration law expertise on both Canadian and USA flag US immigration matters.

Saba's professional experience includes over 15 years of building successful immigration practices at two highly regarded Vancouver law firms.

Saba regularly represents corporate and individual clients on a variety of business and employment-based immigration matters including:

  • applications for temporary work permits under international trade agreements such as the Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement (formerly "NAFTA"),
  • Global Talent Stream applications,
  • intracompany transferees,
  • and investor visas.

When her clients are ready to transition to permanent residence, Saba guides them through the intricacies of provincial nominee programs, various streams of Express Entry, and other immigrant categories.

Saba also works with clients on spousal sponsorships, citizenship matters and inadmissibility issues, including nonimmigrant waivers to the US.

Saba's clients rely on her solution-oriented, professional approach and optimistic work ethic to assist them in navigating and engaging in strategic planning to pre-empt complex Canadian and US immigration issues before they arise.

Saba's clients span across an array of industries including IT, visual effects, gaming, natural resources, energy, infrastructure, entertainment and financial services.

Saba has previously served as Chair of the Canada Chapter of the American Immigration Lawyers Association. She authors the Immigration Chapter in the Annual Review of Law & Practice published by the Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia and is a frequent presenter on immigration topics.

Saba is based out of the Vancouver office of BDO Law LLP.

saba Naqvi, JD Director of immigration, for BDO Canada, national team, based in Vancouver downtown offices of BDO

Director, Immigration Services
BDO Canada LLP - Vancouver
Unit 1100 Royal Centre
1055 West Georgia Street,
P.O.Box 11101
Vancouver, BC V6E 3P3
Phone: (604) 688-5421
Web profile: en-ca/ our-people/saba-naqvi-1/

David Aujla, experience Canada Immigration Services lawyer with offices in Victoria and Vancouver

B.Sc., LL.B., MA., L.Phil.

David graduated from the University of Western Ontario law school in 1974 and has practised law for over 40 years.

His sole focus of practice since 1996 has been Canadian immigration law and he advises clients worldwide.

He is a member of the Canadian Bar Association (Immigration Subsection) and the Law Society of British Columbia and is often called upon for immigration commentary by the local and national media. He has made presentations, from time to time, to the Canadian Bar Association's Immigration conferences as well as to civic associations and boards and real estate companies throughout Victoria, Vancouver, Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands.

DAVID  AUJLA, Immigration lawyer
Victoria Office
800 - 1070 Douglas Street, Victoria, British Columbia Canada V8W 2C4

Phone:  250.383.3542

Vancouver Office
440 Cambie Street, Suite 101,
Vancouver, British Columbia
Canada V6B 2N5
Phone:  604-630-2244

Sinclair Mar with over 40 years experience as a  lawyer in areas of immigration and visa applications, business law, real estate, wills & estates 	with dedicated record of community involvment on founding and supporting Community non-profit societies in Victoria

SINCLAIR W. MAR, Barrister & Solicitor

* Personal Injury & Insurance Law

* Real Estate & Conveyances

* Divorce & Family Law

* Mortgages & Foreclosures

* Corporate & Commercial Law

* Canada Immigration Law-Legal Services

"He has practiced immigration law for the past 40 years in all areas, including visas and permanent residency applicaitions. 

He has worked with clients from many countries. 

He is very community minded: .... was on the board of the Knowledge Network (BC), Victoria Dragon Boat Festival Society, Victoria Chinatown Care Foundation, Victoria Chinese Commerce Association, ...   He has served as counsel for the Victoria Hoi Ping Association .... 

He has been instrumental in raising funds for various schools in support of music in schools and local youth sports and athletes.  In 2009 he was awarded the CFAX [RADIO STATION] Community Leader of the Year Award." [quote fr. website 2009.06.15]

Manhas Mar, Lawyers
#301 - 830 Shamrock St.
Victoria, BC V8X 2V1
Phone:  (250) 382-5744

see Chinese-English ad in Chinatown Newsletter, published by the Victoria Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association CCBA

Portia Tang, lawyer able to assist clients in fluent Mandarin and  Cantonese, photo of office building in the Market Square shopping complex on  lower Johnson St.  near Chinatown - CLICK FOR INFORMATION

PORTIA TANG,   Barrister & Solicitor
Provides a general law practice in downtown Victoria -- serving clients in English & Chinese dialects: Cantonese, Hoisin & Mandarin -- in the following areas of law.

  • Business · Corporate · Commercial Law
  • Family · Divorce Law
  • Wills & Estates
  • Canada Immigration Law
  • Real Estate
  • Notary Services

TANG & CO., Barrister & Solicitor
#316 - 560 Johnson Street,
Market Square on Johnson- 3rd floor
Victoria, BC,   V8W 3C6
Telephone:  250-881-6262

Victoria Full Service & Boutique Law Firms

Victoria Chinatown location of Wong Doerkson law offices - CLICK FOR INFO

LARRY WONG, LL.B.   Barrister & Solicitor


Larry was active with the Victoria Chinatown Lions Club (past president).  He was for six years a director of the Chinatown Care Centre.(a 31 bed extended care facility - see victoriachinatown He was also the legal advisor for the Yu Shan Association, the Hook Sin Tong Society, the Wong Association, and the Victoria Chinese Pentecostal Church.

Joanna Lee, associate lawyer with Wong Doerkson law firm - practice includes Immigration and the buying / purchase of businesses

Joanna Lee is a native of Victoria who graduated from the University of Victoria Law School in 2007. Joanna also has a Bachelor of Science (Biology) with distinction from the University of Victoria.

Joanna articled at Wong & Doerksen and was called to the Bar of British Columbia in 2013. She is now an associate at Wong & Doerksen. Her main practice areas are main practice areas are real estate, wills and estates, business purchases and sales and immigration. (quote from web site 2019.10.24)

Wong Doerkson Lawyers
1618 Government Street
Victoria, B.C., V8W 1Z3
phone: (250) 381-7799 lawyers.html

Victoria Civil Litigation & Personal Injury Lawyers:

Hutchison Oss-Cech Marlatt law office

Lorenzo Oss-Cech, LLB fuent in Itaian, Spanish and working French Barri Marlatt,LLB Dana Quantz Estaban Kah

  • Employment Law including foreign workers applications and immigration
  • Personal Injury Catastrophic Injuries Disputes
    - experienced brain injury settlementslawyers

  • Construction law
  • Medical Malpractice & Professional Negligence

  • Sexual Assault · Civil Suits

  • WCB appeals / reviews

  • Wills & Wealth Management Planning

Barristers & Solicitors
#1 - 505 Fisgard St.
Victoria, B.C.
Canada V8W 1R3

Tel:  (250) 360-2500

STANLEY LEO, BA JD, immigration lawyer experienced with skilled workers Express Entry applications, the BC Provincial Nomination Program, clergy-religous workers permits -   BC


Born in Singapore, Stan graduated from Simon Fraser University with a B.A. in Political Science, and the University of Manitoba with a Juris Doctor.

Stan enjoys the opportunity to assist people from all over the world with various Canadian immigration matters including: 

  • Skilled worker immigration through Express Entry, the BC PNP, and other relevant programs;
  • Overseas and in-Canada Spousal Sponsorships;
  • Work authorizations including those involving:
    - Clergy and Religious Workers;
    - Free Trade Agreements; and
    - Labour Market Impact Assessments;
  • Overcoming inadmissibility matters; and
  • Permanent resident card renewals.

Stan has also shared his experience through seminars and written materials including:

  • October 2018: “Finding the Right Tone”, Co-Presenter, Seminar, Immigration Education Alliance;
  • October 2018: “To LMIA or Not to LMIA… is that the Question?”, Co-Presenter, Seminar, Canadian Association of Professional Immigration Consultants (National Conference);
  • September 2018: “Business Work Authorization and Immigration Options”, Co-Presenter, Seminar, Immigration Education Alliance;
  • March 2018: “LMIA Owner Operator & Other Business Work Permit Options”, Co-Presenter, Seminar, Canadian Association of Professional Immigration Consultants;
  • November 2016: "Introduction to Owner Operator Labour Market Impact Assessments", Seminar, Immigration Education Alliance;
  • April 2016: "Business Immigration Options: Creative Work Permit strategies", Co-Author, Canadian Bar Association;
  • May 2015: "Update on Canada's Immigration Laws for Religious Workers", Co-Author, Canadian Council for Christian Charities; and
  • October 2014: "Business Immigration: Past, Present and Future", Co-Author, Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia.

Stan is excited to contribute to the future societal fabric of the province and of Canada.

STANLEY LEO, BA JD, immigration lawyer experienced with skilled workers Express Entry applications, the BC Provincial Nomination Program, clergy-religous workers permits - with Lowe & Co. at 900 - 777 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC

Stanley Leo, BA JD
Barrister & Solicitor
Phone: 604-245-8309
#131, A113 - 2099 Lougheed Highway
Port Coquitlam,
BC V3B 1A8

CLICK TO RETURN TO HOME PAGE - on map of province of BC Canada

Immigrant Settlement Services in Victoria
Inter-Cultural Association of Greater Victoria non-profit services for immigrants, including:
· ESL for Adults
· Multicultural Programs
· Settlement Programs
"We help immigrants form community bonds and deep friendships that reduce isolation and foster positive connections. Serving approximately 3,000 newcomers annually, ICA’s work now ranges from guiding immigrant entrepreneurs as they create small businesses that lead to job creation, to supporting vulnerable newcomers by helping them increase their skills and confidence to become healthy, contributing members of our community." (quote from 2021.09.02)
Inter-Cultural Association of Greater Victoria
930 Balmoral Road,
Victoria BC,
Canada V8T 1A8
Tel: 250.388.4728

See also:
Victoria Business-Corporate Lawyers Listings

Jeremiah Eastman,  GTA  Canada Immigration Lawyer for  Application Appeals to Immigration Boards

Jeremiah Eastman
Toronto - Brampton Ontario Immigration Lawyer

for: Immigration Admission Reviews / Federal Court Appeals Brampton & Toronto GTA, Ontario

Bhavi Tathgar, fluent in Punjabi, experienced real estate lawyer, downtown Victoria, with McConnan Bion O'Connor Peterson, on Douglas street click for more info
Bhavi Tathgar, Punjabi speaking Victoria BC real estate lawyer office in downtown Victoria, BC
with McConnan Bion O'Connor Peterson Law Corp.


See also Vancouver Lawyers | Victoria lawyers  | Nanaimo lawyers  | Edmonton lawyers  | Canada's Legal System Info.


The information provided on Lawyers-BC.Com is not intended to be legal advice, but merely conveys general information related to legal issues commonly encountered.  Your access to and use of this Web site is subject to additional terms and conditions.

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Pro bono ads based on network referrals 2009-2021

Original Web site design by Charis Infocom 1998
Page last updated:  2024.01, 2021.09.02, 2021.08.2005 , 2009.03.06 , 2019.10.24 Vancouver, BC and