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Catastrophic Injury Claims Disputes

Bruce Lemer, well known insurance claims disputes, personal injury lawyer , medical  malpractice, product liability, & class actions lawyer Bruce Lemer

Michael Mark, experienced Victoria, BC personal injury  / ICBC claims disputes lawyer
Michael Mark

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Personal Injury Lawyers in BC
Vancouver, Burnaby, Port Moody, Surrey, Victoria & Vernon

Each lawyer listed below has confirmed to Lawyers-BC.Com that he or she has been practising law from five to over thirty years, with a significant part of his or her practice in personal injury law.

We urge you to independently investigate and evaluate any lawyer. Please see "Lawyer's Listings" under our terms and conditions for more information.

Rose Keith, Vancouver Personal Injury & Medical Malpractice Lawyer - CLICK TO DIRECTORY Sandra Banister, QC - over 30 years experience dealing wide range of personal injuries and disputes with ICBC re claims of clients - click for more info. Gordon Zenk,   Civil litiation Lawyer   - CLICK FOR INFO Barri Marlatt, LLB experience brain injury / ICBC claims lawyer in Victoria, BC - Click for more info Lorenzo Oss-Cech, Victoria BC experienced Brain injury and catastrophic injury lawyer - click for more info Michael Mark, LLB experience Victoria BC personal injury lawyer for ICBC claims - click for more info Michael O'Connor, KC - Victoria, BC personal injury lawyer  experienced in catastrophic  injuries eg. brain injury
 Z. Philip Wiseman, over 25 years ICBC claims / personal injury experience in Metro  Vancouverretired  Charlotte Salomon, BA LLB,KC known as a personal injury ICBC claims disputes lawyer in Victoria BCretired 

x-ray image of head as part of preliminary diagnostic assessment for  injury rehab and insurance claims
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x-ray image of head as part of diagnostic assessment for  injury rehab
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x-ray image of head as part of diagnostic assessment for  injury rehab



Bruce Lemer, well known ICBC claims disputes, personal injury lawyer , medical  malpractice and class actions lawyer Bruce Lemer, LLB
  • 30+ years experience with cases from personal injury & ICBC claims disputes, catastrophic injuries, and wrongful death
  • Bruce is a pioneer in BC and Canada Class Action / Class Proceedings. Mr. Lemer was plaintiff's co-counsel in Endean vs. Canadian Red Cross and others, a class action on behalf of individuals infected with hepatitis C through blood transfusions, which resulted in the largest class action settlement in Canadian history, at that time
  • He has presented cases at all levels of B.C. Provincial Court, and has presented at Ontario Provincial Court and Supreme Court of Canada
  • His litigation practice includes personal injury, product liability, professional negligence, medical malpractice, and class actions
  • also handles medical negligence/malpractice cases
More about Bruce Lemer Vancouver BC Personal Injury & Class Action Lawyer

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Rose Keith, experienced personal injury, brain injury, catastropic injury and ICBC claims disuptes lawyer Rose A. Keith
  • experienced representing motor vehicle accident clients with:  brain injury, spinal cord injury, chronic pain, psychological injuries and soft tissue injuries.
  • focus is on ensuring full compensation for all losses suffered
  • also a part of her personal injury practice is acting for victims of sexual assault (typically historical abuse cases)
  • also handles medical negligence/malpractice cases
More about Rose Keith downtown Vancouver BC Personal Injury Lawyer

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Dil Gosal, Surrey office covers Metro Vancouver for Personal  Injury and Criminal Defense cases including  dangerous driving, driving under the influence etc. Dil Singh Gosal JD, MLL
  • Eperienced in both BC and Washington State law courts
  • Practices as a barrister and solicitor in BC and as a Counselor-at-law / Attorney in Washington State, USA courts
  • Has a J.D. Juris Doctor / Doctorate in Jurisprudence from Washington State University as well as a Master of Laws degree from the State University of New York
  • A legal resource for those cross-border car accident / DUI / personal injury legal cases
  • Dil is fluent in English and Punjabi

about Surrey BC lawyers Surrey BC Personal Injury & Criminal Defense Lawyer

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Michael Mark, experienced Victoria, BC  injury  / ICBC claims disputes lawyer

Michael Mark, BA, LLB

  • Preferred areas of practice in civil litigation include:  personal injury & ICBC MVA claims disputes and estate litigation (wills disputes),
  • Michael has extensive experience in both civil litigation and in criminal litigation as a former Federal prosecutor in complex tax evasion prosecutions.  Today in addition to personal injury cases, he also acts as defense counsel for clients being charged by Canada Revenue Agency for tax evasion.
  • Michael has practiced in Victoria since his admission to the Bar in 1991 and he became a principal at McConnan, Bion, O'Connor & Peterson Law Corporation in January 2000.  He is also a past executive member of the Victoria Bar Association.
  • Michael Mark - Address & Contact Info
    McConnan Bion O'Connor Bion, Law Corp.
    Suite #420 - 880 Douglas Street,
    Victoria, B.C. Canada V8W 2B7
    Phone 250-385-1383
    Toll free 1-888-385-1383
    E-mail:  mmark@mcbop.com

    Street Map:  downtown Victoria location near law courts building

Lorenzo G. Oss-Cech, BSC LLB

Lorenzo Oss-Cech, Victoria Personal Injury / ICBC claims / MVA Lawyer
  • Experienced as plaintiffs' only representative in personal injury ICBC car accident disputes
  • also handles medical negligence/malpractice cases
  • Multilingual lawyer fluent in English, Italian, French and Spanis h
  • Lorenzo G. Oss-Cech
    #1 - 505 Fisgard Street,
    Victoria B.C. V8W 1R3
    Phone:  (250) 360-2500
    Toll Free:  1-866-887-4878
    Email: lgo@hom-law.com
    Profile: Lawyers-BC.com lawyer profile
    Street Map: to office in Chinatown

Robert A. Clarke
  • Over 24 years experience, Robert restricts his practice to only representing plaintiffs.
  • A former professional engineer and well respected member of the Okanagan legal services community.
  • Experienced trial lawyer for personal injury law & accident claims.  Cases have included motor vehicle accidents, wrongful death, slip-and-fall claims, ATV accidents, boating accidents, product liability, and domestic animal altercations.  Claims have ranged from simple whiplash to catastrophic injuries (including brain and spine injuries), and long-term disabilities and paraplegia.<

Sandra Banister, QC Queens Cousel with over 30 years experience in personal injury ICBC claims disputes, photo in front of Marine Building  on Burrard St. in downtown Vancouver - click for more info


Over 30 years experience as trial lawyer for Personal Injury and ICBC Car MVA Accident Claims Disputes. 

Sandra only represents plaintiff's cases.  In other words she never works for ICBC.

Clients have suffered from wide range of catastrophic injuries including:

  • Orthopaedic Injuries
  • Paraplegia
  • Quadriplegia
  • Head - Brain Injury
  • Whip Lash & Soft Tissue Injuries

Sandra is also well known as a wrongful dismissal, employment & labour law lawyer

Sandra has regularly appeared at the British Columbia Court of Appeal, the British Columbia Supreme Court, labour arbitrations, the British Columbia Labour Board, and the Human Rights Tribunal.  She has also appeared before the Quebec Court of Appeal, the Quebec Superior Court and the Manitoba Queen's Bench.

see BanisterLaw.com/sandra-banister-qc/ for more info.

Sandra Banister, plaintiffs only personal injury in ICBC claims disputes lawyer in downtown Vancouver in Marine Building on Burrard St.

Banister & Company
#670 - 355 Burrard St.  ( The Marine Building )
Vancouver,   BC, Canada  V6C 2G8


Phone:  604-662-7276

Email:  banister@banisterlaw.com
Web Info:  BanisterLaw.com

  • 2005-2012 updates:  R. Robinson no longer takes on personal injury cases

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This page last updated: 2010.06.28
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